Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pre Wedding Party ♥

We have booked our one year pre-wedding party! It may be a little unusual to do, but that's us all over really. One of our favourite restaurants is called 'Syriana' in Birmingham. It's not one that would probably spring to mind to go to as it's a little out the way and it is Syrian and Lebanese food which I would of never tried before. One day we just ended up going, and I expected it to be spicy (even though I love spicy food), and I can be fairly picky, although I'm open to try new things.

The restaurant inside is long and narrow, with pretty multicoloured lights and fabric drapes, really traditional for that side of the globe. The food however, is AMAZEBALLS! We go every one to two weeks we love it that much, and it's about £17.95 a head for a big mezze to start, with flatbreads and loads of different dips, then you choose your main, I have marinated chicken and rice, then you have sweet pastries called Bakalava's (or however you may spell it) to finish. 

The staff there are so hospitable, and we always have a good old chat with the owner and manager, as I think we are their most frequent and loyal customers! So we thought what better than to have it there. We have the whole second floor hired to ourselves, with the three courses per head for about 40 people. We are having it Aladdin themed to go with the look of the restaurant, and giving the people coming the option to dress up! We are having a belly dancer too so she can give us all some lessons, and having the jingly jangly belts to dance to their groovy choons! (Cheese!)

Being the bride, I'm opting for a white outfit! Here's what I'm thinking.
I am by NO means having my belly out - LOL - but I shall probably have a plain white long sleeved top with Bride to Be in diamantes on it. These are harem pants and are only £6.99 from Ebay. I'm not too sure if the jingly jangly belt comes with it though, but that's only about £2.80 on it's own anywho.

So it's something very different to do a year before the wedding, I can't wait! It will actually be 2 days less than a year because of it being on the Saturday - of course I'm not counting too much.
I'll keep you updated on that! 

Tilly xXx

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