Friday, August 31, 2012

Making a little Posie Bouquet ♥

After yesterday's post, I was itching to get started on having a go at making a bouquet. I just really wanted to see what it would look like. I hadn't really got suitable brooches to put in it, so I just thought I'd see how it would turn out anyhow. My Mom and I popped down to Hobbycraft (a big craft store in the UK), and we found lots of goodies that could be turned into some pretty creations.
My Mom kindly treated me to all the bits and bobs to have a go with. I have been looking at real floral bouquets this morning, and they appear to be typically £50.00 or more! Daylight robbery yet again. I just can't justify it just to chuck them away. We got enough supplies to make two little Bridesmaid posies, and that came to just under £30.00 for two! I think they will be a nice keepsake for the girls if they wanted to keep them.

So to make them, we got: 
4 Bunches of artificial vintage coloured roses
3 Bunches of diamanté roses / sprigs
Floristry Tape and Floristry wire
Tools needed were scissors, and round nosed pliers if you are going to use brooches. Also, weight watchers chocolate brownie pudding top left - not optional =D

I began to assemble the flowers randomly so there were different colours mixed up. I then loosely wrapped one of the stem wires around all of the stems to keep them in place. It takes a bit of pushing and pulling to get them at the same level but it's worth it! 

I then added some diamanté roses and sprigs to complete it, just wrapping their wires around the base stems of the flowers. To secure, I just wrapped the floristry tape all around the stems to neaten it up. I have ribbon to wrap around the stem base, but it kept on gathering up as I wrapped it around. I'm now thinking of wrapping them in the thick brown vintage looking string - you know the stuff? And then adding the ribbon as a bow at the top. I'll show you once I have got the string.

This is a photo of it in daylight. I think it has turned out quite pretty, and I'm now thinking I may actually use this. I haven't fully assembled the other one, and that is one flower less than this so I might pop a brooch in it. I'm going to go back to Hobbycraft when I return off my holidays and grab the rest of these flowers, because I think I better get them before the Christmas stock starts invading. It will be great to have these done in advance, definitely one less thing to worry about. I've also got to figure out how to do the buttonholes, as they will have to match. I think Hobbycraft will have nothing left by the time I'm finished!

So there we go, a little bouquet for a fraction of the price, and something to keep forever. We're doin' the DIY!
Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear! 

Tilly xXx

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Brooch Bouquet ♥

Because our wedding shall be taking place approximately 150 miles from our home, the flowers are the one thing I tend to worry about. As I previously worked in a hotel, seeing sometimes four weddings in a week, the couples were local and they came in early in the morning with the beautiful bouquets and buttonholes. By the time they came to check in at about 3 or 4pm before the meal, the flowers had all wilted, gained the brown edging on the petals, and well just fell to bits really. Also, they are extremely expensive and what for? To chuck away the next day, brill.

Image Sourced from Google Images

So they never look so great by the end of the day and personally, I don't particularly have the money to waste on something to chuck in the bin. Someone I used to know said that she had made her bouquets herself with artificial flowers, but I must admit I turned my nose up at it. Now however, seeing these brooch bouquets and now that I'm in the position of buying them, I'm actually thinking it might be a pretty good idea.
I have a couple of brooches already that my great Nan gave me, and there's plenty of charity shops around that I could grab some from. 

Image sourced from Google Images 

Looking around at certain websites that actually sell these brooch bouquets, they are literally around the £300 mark and above and beyond. Daylight robbery! There's no way I'd spend that, and after all this IS a DIY wedding. So I watched a couple of tutorials on Youtube, and it looks pretty easy to be honest. I think I'm going to give it a go to see if I can actually do it, and make a couple of home decorations as we move into our new house next month. I can really see how much it might cost then, and if I do have the patience. 

Image sourced from Pinterest

They look so gorgeously vintage, and they are so different. I could do mini versions for the bridesmaids too. It may save the worry of the flowers keeping nice, I can make them well in advance, it could become an heirloom to my kids so I could keep it, and there's no wilting around here! I could spray a bit of perfume on it too, just for effect ;p 
I'm going to have a little wonder around HobbyCraft this evening just to see what's about. Although it is still early with 20 months to go until the wedding, Christmas is going to come faster than we think, and then it will be January with only 15 months to go. I think it may flash before my eyes, so I just want to be prepared!

Have you had a brooch bouquet? Or do you prefer real flowers?

Tilly xXx

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Operation Wedding Dress #4

So it is week five, but technically weigh in number 4 this week, as I don't count the first week because that was the start weight and blahdy blah. So I have really stuck to the plan again this week, but not done any exercise, so I was thinking a 2lb loss would be great, for not being too active. I was pretty nervous about this weeks weigh in, I don't know why, I think it was maybe because of the bank holiday throwing the days off. Even though we did have a bank holiday though, I still ate healthily. 

I got to the meeting super early last night, because I didn't want to wait around behind everyone getting weighed in - early bird catches the worm! So I gingerly approached the scales, telling my lovely leader that I thought it was going to be a maximum of 2lbs. I stepped on, and low and behold another three lbs has come off! My leader said 'You are making this look far too easy, Till'. I honestly couldn't believe it, I am really pleased with that because I didn't think I'd done so well. Here's the card and the little apple sticker to prove it!

So I now have a total loss of 1 stone and 3lbs. I go on holiday a week tonight, and I am hoping I can stay strong. I think even if I maintain the weight I'll be happy, but I'd be upset to have put some on. I haven't had an alcoholic drink for four weeks, I'm not a big drinker anyway but a glass of Rose at the weekend or at the pub with family has now turned into a very exciting pint of iced water, with a slice of lemon or lime. To be honest it's not bothering me at all, If I'm not going out for a proper drink, then having just the one is pointless. 

After the meetings, if I feel that the weigh in has gone well then I'll go to Sainsbury's and treat myself to a Weight watchers pud, a little bit of what you fancy does you good! Last night I really wanted a salad because every dinner I do seems to have a carby side, such as noodles, rice or pasta, so I tried to 'saladise' my meal.
I watched Julia from MissChievous new video on Youtube, which is a healthy easy lunch recipe video, and since watching that I was craving a salad. Craving a salad? I would never have put that before! Link to her video HERE. She is an inspiration, and actually re-tweeted my picture and commented asking how it was! She seems really nice I'd love to meet her as she has lost a lot of weight herself. 

So it is a chicken, grape and yoghurt based salad, and I just threw in some beetroot and a lettuce layer. The full instructions are on the video linked above if you fancy giving it a go. It was dead easy and quick, and I've had it in a wrap today too for lunch. My other half who if had lettuce would burn his insides actually really liked this too. Win win!

So one weigh in left before the holiday! Let's see if I can actually get another three lbs to make it an all round 20 before holiday, that'd be nice. Any tips and tricks please don't hesitate to let me know!
Follow me on twitter if you would like it's @misswicktilleth !
Thanks so much for reading if you are still here after all the waffle! Mmmm.. wafflesss .

Tilly xXx

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Operation Wedding Dress Update #3 ♥

The third weigh in took place on Tuesday, and I was really hoping to reach my current goal weight of 13st 10lbs, but a whole stone would mean it being 13st 9lbs. I thought I was pushing my luck aiming for the whole stone in three weeks, so I just said to myself I'd be happy with a 2.5lb loss this week.
Ed's sister came with me which is always a good support. I always get major butterflies before I get on the scales in case I let myself down.

This week however, was another good week! It's never going to last as it definitely will slow down in the next week I reckon, but this week I did hit 13st 9lbs. I have now lost a stone in three weeks, and also gone down a dress size. I couldn't believe it. They weighed out a bunch of books to add to a stone and I can't believe how heavy it is. I do feel a lot better for it already.

This is the card this week. I think the 7 means like 7lbs + lost, I'm not so sure. 

I bought myself a new dress this week in the next size down, and work trousers too. It's a nice feeling getting slowly but surely away from that 18. Never ever again.

This is the Iphone app weight tracker chart. I don't think I could do it without the app at all, it makes such a big difference in helping to track what you are eating. So now, I'm en route for a ten percent weight loss, which brings me to 13st 2lb. I can't remember the last time I was around this weight, I think it was probably about three years ago. I can now see 12st 13lbs not too far on the horizon, I just hope that our holiday in two weeks time doesn't knock it out too much. 

I'd love to hear if you are on a weight loss programme, and if it is working for you!

Tilly xXx

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pre-Weigh in Thoughts ♥

I have my third Weight Watchers weigh in tomorrow. Feeling a little apprehensive about it this week, I'm not sure why as I've eaten the same as the last two weeks so I haven't had anything bad. I think it's just the fact that I know weight loss slows down after the first few weeks so I'm worried about feeling disappointed with the results.
Last week I hit 13st 12.5lbs, which meant I'd lost 5% of my weight, and I had only got 3.5lbs to go for me to hit a total weight loss of a stone. I was really hoping that I'd manage to do that this week but I think I might be half a pound out. It's quite irritating, but I guess I'll definitely hit it by next weeks weigh in. So for this week I'm aiming for about 2 and a half lbs. More would be nice but I'm not going to push my luck! 

I've done more exercise than I usually would this week too. I've managed to go on two walks, which I should also do tonight, a bit of a run, and spent the whole weekend cleaning the house, which really boosts up the activity points. So I have just over 24 hours to go to loose about half a lb. Achievable? Not so sure!


My little sisters bridesmaid dress has now been dispatched! I should receive that next week. We have now hit 20 months to go. It feels like it's going pretty quick now, and I'm starting to worry about it all. Should just take every day as it comes really! 

Right, I shall update on Wednesday morning about my official weight loss this week! 
Have a great day.

Tilly xXx

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Little Bridesmaid Dress ♥

I have just purchased my first actual item for the big day. I know, I'm mad but better to do it now so I can pay for things gradually and steadily. So, I've been having a scout round for a bridesmaid dress for my little sister, who will be 8 at the time of the wedding. I wasn't looking for something to neccessarily match the adult bridesmaids, but something that is individual and follows with the vintage theme. After not much scouting really, I came across this gorgeous little dress, that seemed to tick all the right boxes. 

There were three of a similar design, so my Mom showed my little sister which one she liked best and she chose this one! She has good taste! However, we are going to alter it I think because that it one HUGE bow. I love the fabric and everything about it, that is flouncy but not too over the top, which is why we shall probably remove that particular bow. We shall see anyway when it arrives.

How much was it then? Well this blog is all about DIY, bargains and thrift, and it was on Ebay from a Hong Kong shop, so a brand new dress for £11.99, with £3.99 P&P. Ooo we do love a bargain. That is why I have bought it so early, I'd well and truely kick myself if it had been taken off.
This is the back of the dress.

It's so girly and floral OoO I just love it. I think with a nice tousled uppy downy hair do, with some little rosebud clips subtly in it, it would look so pretty.
For example!

So that's that sorted, and little Lucy loves it!

Tilly xXx

Operation Wedding Dress Update #2 ♥

I had my second weigh in at Weight Watchers yesterday, well third if you count the beginning weight, but second for actually being on the plan! I've had another great week with no slip ups or cravings, I haven't really found myself wanting a great deal of grub anyway, I think the determination has well and truely planted itself in my head. I just know that there are Weight Watchers products that can surpress any cravings should there be any, and if I want an Ice cream I've got Soleros in the fridge that come to 3 points. It's a phsycological state of being, and I'm thoroughly enjoying being on this plan, which I can't believe I am saying.

So last week I weighed in at 14st 3lb, with a total loss of 6lb in the first week. This week I weighed in at 13st 12.5lbs, with a second week loss of 4 and a half lbs! I couldn't believe it, my aim was for 3lbs this week. The ladies at the meeting were all asking me what my secret was!
This was the scales this morning, sorry about the pic, but there's a solid 13st 12lb there. I got to about this weight just before my skydive back in April, then I went on holiday and put it all back on. So anything lower than this, I won't have been that weight for a good few years!

Here's a snapshot of the Weight Watchers app, I couldn't do it without this thing, it's great. I track all the grub, it prompts me for my weekly weigh in and I can track any exercise. This little chart is great, it makes you see properly how it's going down. As long as it doesn't go up I'll be happy. I reached my 5% loss this week, so that's 10 and a half lbs in two weeks. This plan is obviously the best thing for me I think. If anyone is thinking about doing it just bite that bullet!

Weekly record chart. I'm now 2 and a half lbs off my current goal weight, and 3 and a half lbs off a stone. 

I got given this in this weeks meeting for reaching 5%. It's a good little read, full of motivation. If you do go, I would definitely say stay for the meetings. A lot of people just weigh in and go, whereas I think the meetings provide opportunity to discuss any good tips, or any struggles together, and see you're not on your own.


Bring on next week!

Tilly xXx

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Operation Wedding Dress Update ♥

If you have read the last few posts, you will know I joined Weight Watchers last week. I was really apprehensive about it, and nervous for my first meeting. As mentioned in the last post about #OperationWeddingDress, I found it to be a good place to be at the meeting, and all the ladies were really friendly.
Over the week, I have eaten really healthily, completely cut the crap, but allowed myself one treat on Sunday. A typical day for me would be:
Breakfast = Banana (0pts) or a Weight Watchers Yoghurt (1pt)
Lunch = 2 Slices wholemeal bread sandwich, with ham, lettuce and utterly butterly (5pts)
A Banana, handfull of Strawberries or a Plum. (0pts)
Dinner = Quorn bolognese, making own tomato sauce using passata (around 11pts)
Pudding = I'm not usually having pudding but if I do, a Solero Ice cream is only 3 points! It's all good.

So Ed and I have been shopping at Lidl on a Sunday just to get bits for the week, and fresh fruit and vegetables. Their prices are so low, we had a trolley full for £31.00! Also, their fresh produce actually lasts me the entire week, a bag of crunchy salad from Sainsburys lasts 2 to 3 days max, whereas Lidl's can last up to 6 days! That really helps because it isn't costing as much as it usually would to eat healthy. 
The only treat I had was that we went out for a meal at Barton Marina which is a lovely canal-side place nearby, and I had three courses. I was still careful with what I chose beside the pudding, a dark chocolate cheesecake with white chocolate ice cream, ooo it was yummy. I'd got plenty of points left to enjoy this treat, so Weight Watchers doesn't ban the bad stuff completely.

So, less or the boring stuff, I had my first weigh in on Tuesday, and my Sister in law came with me for moral support! I was really nervous for stepping on the scales and really hoped it would be a 3lb loss, which would make my weight 14st 6. I don't mind telling you guys, your part of the journey! So we had everything crossed, I stepped on, and it said 14st 3! I'd lost a whopping 6lbs in a week! I can't literally believe it, it didn't even feel that hard to do! I also won the raffle too and got some recipe cards, so it was my lucky week. I did myself a weight watchers curry and treated myself to a Solero to celebrate. Now for the next week!

I stepped on my scales this morning, and this is what is said.

Obviously my scales aren't the same as those at the meetings, there's a slight differ in weight, but 14st 0.6! I'm so excited for it to say 13st something, I won't have been that weight for at least 2 years. It really is giving me the boost to carry on going to these meetings, and I'm actually enjoying it, I never thought I'd say that! Next weigh in is Tuesday 14th August at 7pm!

Tilly xXx

Monday, August 6, 2012

Save the Date! ♥

Before we got engaged, I hadn't really thought of Save the Date cards, and when buying wedding magazines and surfing the net, it became more apparent they were pretty popular. The concept of them, is to send out a card with the date and perhaps the location of your wedding before the invitation, so guests can get it booked off work in plenty of time. I've seen some nice idea's for Save the Date cards.
Some people like to take a photo with themselves in, and send that out by itself, or a formal card like the invitation. Here are some examples.

The idea is to be short, sweet and one sided. I like the photograph concept, however for ours I wanted something that would give an idea of the theme of the wedding. The card below is more like what I seem to come across more regularly, as it's straight to the point.

So, after a little while messing around on Photoshop, I came up with a design that I quite like for ours. Also, I am going to send ours out as magnets, so our guests can stick them on the fridge, and not forget! They will be about Credit Card size and come with little envelopes. They are priced at 20 for £6.99, or £8.99 with envelopes if you require them. If you don't fancy your chances with Photoshop, there are also some pre-designed magnets, that you can personalise with your names and date. 

I've got to do a final count of the guest list before I know how many to order. Obviously it is one card per house hold, so I think it's going to be around 50, which is a little annoying with it being 20 per pack. Nevermind! The link to the Ebay seller for the magnets is HERE.
This is the first design I have done, I wanted something a little bit vintage and floral. I'm a little unsure about the font looking at it now though, I'm not sure if it's right for the theme. But, that's what it's all about, trial and error and I shall get there in the end.

I'm not actually sure on when to send these, I'm thinking around Christmas or just after in January, with just over a year to go so they don't get mixed up with the Christmas post. 
Thanks for reading, tomorrow is my first Weight Watchers weigh in, so a post on #OperationWeddingDress will be coming either tomorrow evening or Wednesday morning! I'm a little nervous, but I think I've lost at least a pound (out of my pocket), so I'm not sweating it too much. 

Tilly xXx

P.S. I've just done a quick Save the Date card with the use of my background, and I think I much prefer it. I'm thinking when I receive them, to stick a little pearl heart in one of the top corners to make it a little bit more pleasing to the eye. Reckon it's better than the first one?


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bridal Shoes & Bridesmaid Dresses ♥

It's never too early to start thinking about the aesthetics of your wedding! At least, I don't think so...
So I always have a mooch around the bridal sections in Debenhams whenever I'm passing, or a sneaky look in a few shoe shops around Birmingham. I'm not particularly a shoe person; they aren't an item I gravitate towards if I'm out shopping really. However, I have been briefly thinking about the style of shoes I'd like for my wedding day. I'm not a big spender as you may have gathered, and I'd love a pair that are a bit 'wow' under the dress.

My initial thoughts were to go for something turquoise to match my hair if the dress was long enough, but I don't want it to look totally nuts. In Birmingham, I went into Kurt Geiger for the first time, and have fell head over heels (like what I did there?) for these badboys!

They are called 'Guess' by Carvela, and are currently on sale from £120.00 to £49.00, but they don't have my size! I did see them in the shop and they were lovely but I couldn't justify spending even the £49.00. I've since been back in and the buggers have gone. I just love them, the crystals are clear, but multicoloured in the light, and the base colour is a grey, dusky pink. I just love them, and I think if they were available online now at my size I would honestly get them. They do have alternate colours in Kurt Geiger, but they are at full price, so I'm keeping my eyes firmly peeled over the next year.

As for Bridesmaid dresses, my immediate thought was that they will be floor length, as I'm not a fan of short bridesmaids dresses, they look so much more classy long (because you know, I'm full of class ;) ). I just think they look pretty, and I feel better in a long dress so that's that. I also am thinking of a one shoulder dress, because I don't want my girls feeling uncomfortable or irritable due to their dress. 

I particularly like these dresses, they are the three main colours in our theme and they are available in all of those colours. They are around £75.00 each which is a little on the pricey side I guess, but for a custom made dress it's not too bad. I have no idea what colour to choose, unless I have one of each...

I love the material, they are one shouldered and have lovely beading detail under the bust. They fit the bill, but it's still early days, and I guess I have to consult the ladies who shall actually be wearing them!

Tilly xXx

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Operation Wedding Dress ♥

So I've shown you a few of the dresses I love, and touched briefly about wanting to be in shape for the big day. #OperationWeddingDress is a hashtag I will refer to on Twitter if I'm discussing anything diet or fitness, which isn't that often! I tried calorie counting, because I had to be a certain weight as I skydived earlier this year (if you want to see the blog post and video, click HERE). I managed to lose a stone counting a total of 1200 calories a day and doing an hours walk here and there and a few sessions on WiiFit. This was over about 6 weeks, and I felt great. 

However, just before the skydive, we went on holiday and I was still eating salads and healthy things, trying not to gain any more lbs, but then little ice creams and pina colada's began to creep in. My willpower failed and I was just about OK for the dive, but after that my inner foodie took over again, and I've lost control yet again. I wouldn't even say it's emotional eating or anything like that, it's just me and the hubby to be love buying snacks, slobbing in front of Emmerdale, stuffing ourselves until we can't breathe. How healthy are we?  Eating out also plays a big part in our lives, as we have our brothers/sister in laws all as couples, and we love to go and have a meal altogether, as well as takeaways and god knows what else. So I've managed to put on another half a stone over the last few weeks. #FAIL.

So there we go, I've finally bitten the bullet and done it. I signed up for Weight Watchers online, as I have been thinking about doing it for months as the only way to combat my eating habits, and to get me in the right frame of mind. I was really nervous about the meeting, but it was fine when I got there. The ladies were all really friendly, I was by far the youngest one there, with all the rest being around 40+. They weighed me, calculated the points I could have each day, with a 5% weightloss target which works out to 10lbs. So, first of August, second day of it but first day after being weighed. 

I'm feeling pretty positive at the moment, I'm on holiday in 5 weeks time, so hopefully I will have lost a little bit by then so that's my first aim. The wedding dress is the constant aim, but if I have goals along the way I think it'll help. Good luck to anyone who's on it, have you had success? Also, if you are thinking about it, it might be worth just signing up and having a go, what's the worst that could happen? I shall update next week about how #OperationWeddingDress is going!

Tilly xXx